Unsere Indienreise 2015

Reisezeit: August - Oktober 2015  |  von Shanti Shanti

Udaipur - Jaisalmer - Jodhpur - Puskhar: Ask the Maharaja - Interview 2

Ask the Maharaja - Interview 2

Im zweiten Teil unserer Interview-Reihe sprechen wir mit G2 (Jihtu), dem das
Pleasure Guest House in Udaipur gehört. Nach einem köstlichen Chicken-Curry (Anmerkung Gerrit: bevor sich hier wieder diese weit hergeholten Huehnchengeruechte verbreiten: Es gab auch eine Veggie-Variante),
einigen Flaschen Bier und einem kräftigen Zug aus der bei den gerade ablaufenden Renovierungsarbeiten wieder aufgetauchten Chillum, einer Mischung aus Pfeife und Bong, hat er uns über den Geisterglauben in Indien und das Wesen der allumfassenden indischen Bürokratie aufgeklärt.

Us: "So G2, you are saying that you actually believe in ghosts?"
G2: "Well I dont know... Dont you believe in ghosts? You know sometimes... when suddenly a door opens or a window and nobody is there and you think well who is it? Could be a ghost right?"
Us: "Could be a ghost yes... Could also be the wind?"
G2: "Oh yes absolutely could also be the wind... But you dont know man... I am glad you think it could be a ghost though, cause many people I talk to about this just think I am crazy... (smiling at us) You think I am crazy?"
Us: "Oh no absolutely not!"
G2: "So you also believe in ghosts?"
Us: "Well..."
G2: "Also there are many stories you know. People who are really ill, they go to every doctor and nobody can help. Then they see a holy man and he performs rituals for a week. And after this week everything is good and the guy walks home!"
Us: "Hm. Maybe just a coincidence? Have you ever actually seen a ghost?"
G2 (seemingly surprised at the question): "Oh no thank god I havent! Too scary man, too scary... I am really glad I have never seen a ghost... But I think many people in India, in the villages, they also believe in ghosts. Many people in Europe believe in ghosts?"
Us: "Dont really know. Maybe some people do. Or they believe in creatures like elves and gnomes and stuff like that...
(Suddenly we come to think of something) But G2, how can there be ghosts in Hinduism anyway? You know, people die, and their souls reincarnate into another body, so how can there be any ghosts at all?"
G2 (smiling patiently): "Well you see. In Hinduism is much like in an Indian
train station. The soul gets there and wants to go on, but first it has to get a
ticket. So it has to stand in line. After waiting and waiting the guy at the
counter tells the soul it first has to fill out a form and then come back, but
the form you only get at a different counter. So it has to stand in line again,
and once the form is filled out the first counter is closed so it has to wait
till the next day. Maybe next day it turns out that it had put down a body
number to reincarnate in that is not valid for its kharma and it has to do it
all over again. And in all this waiting the soul has plenty of time to come
haunt you as a ghost!"
Us: "So this means..."
G2: "Yes, this means Indian bureaucracy never stops! Even in the afterlife there is a counter and a form for everything!"
Us (awstruck by his argument): "Wow, this makes so much sense! Sorry that we ever doubted that ghosts existed!"
G2 (satisfied): "No problem brother. And now take another puff from this

© Shanti Shanti, 2015
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Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Wie ihr sicher alle wisst, sind wir diesen Sommer in Indien unterwegs. Indien... Ahhh! Curry, Sari, Tuk-Tuk, Elefant, Kashmir, Punjabi MC.. Doch diese Reise bedeutet fuer uns natuerlich nicht nur Ruhe, Erholung, Entspannung, Muessiggang und Chillen! Als interessierte Studenten wollen wir auch mal ueber den Tellerrand hinaus schauen. Wir hoffen die Gerueche und Farben Indiens werden auch eure Reiselust wecken. So stay tuned.
Aufbruch: 01.08.2015
Dauer: 9 Wochen
Heimkehr: 04.10.2015
Reiseziele: Indien
Der Autor
Shanti Shanti berichtet seit 9 Jahren auf umdiewelt.
Bild des Autors