ein Stück 'englisches' Frankreich

Reisezeit: August / September 2017  |  von Herbert S.

Jersey: Jersey-Museum

Zur Geschichte der Insel (englische Originalerklärungen in kursiv)

The first people
People first appeared here before the island had taken its present form, indeed before Jersey was an island.
Much of the evidence of the earliest people in this part of the world has been destroyed - by rising sea levels, by the acid soil or by later human development. However, a few patches of early material have survived.
The earliest sites that we know of were in use 250000 years 190 ago at Le Cotte de St Brelade and Le Cotte à la Chevre.
The first people
When people first lived here, 250,000 years ago, Jersey was part of the continent.
These nomadic hunter gatherers were replaced by Neolithic farmers about 6,500 years ago.
As far as we know, the island has been continuously occupied since then.

Bronze Age
The period between 2250 and 700 B.C. is known as the Bronze Age, though metal tools were rare at first and were probably used more as status symbols than working implements.
In many ways, life continued as before. The evidence from the Bronze Age settlement at La Moye suggests a community of farmers with crops and domestic animals. Beans and cereal crops were cultivated.
During the later Bronze Age metal became more common and some rich finds have come down to us: two hoards of metalwork which had been buried for safe-keeping, and a magnificent golden torque.

Coastal towers
Jersey was ringed by 23 coastal towers constructed in a style that is unique to the island. They were built after the French invasion attempt of 1779.
The eight squat martello towers were built after the turn of the century and are similar to towers around the British Isles.
Other batteries, guardhouses and magazines, built in the 18th century, have survived in varying states of ruin.

Das Bauprinzip der Martello-Türme auf Menorca und die Mehrzahl der Türme in Irland gehen auf zwei von 1785 bis 1787 auf Menorca errichtete spanische Küstentürme zurück, die die Briten 1798 nach ihrer Besetzung der Insel kopierten und weiterentwickelten – den Torre d’Alcalfar und den Torre de Son Ganxo. Die Türme an der englischen Küste folgten dem Bauplan spanischer Wehrtürme auf den Kanarischen Inseln.
Auf Guernsey und Jersey wurde der Bau von Rundtürmen zur Verteidigung bereits im Jahre 1778 durch den Governor General Conway begonnen. Die ersten vier (von insgesamt über 30), von denen der älteste in der Bucht von Grève de Lecq noch steht, wurden bereits nach acht Monaten fertig.

Martello-Turm in der Bucht von Grève de Lecq

Martello-Turm in der Bucht von Grève de Lecq

remains of fortifications from the ge to the Second World War show how portant defence has been throughout the island's history.

German fortifications
During the German Occupation, Hitler had the Channel Islands turned into a massive fortress. Artillery in the islands completely covered the approaches to the Bay of Mont St Michel from Cherbourg to Paimpol.
Slave labour was brought in to construct gun positions, bunkers, fire control towers, and underground command posts and hospitals.
Sufficient time has elapsed for these remains to be seen now as an integral part of the island's heritage.

Zeitung vom 1. August 1940

Zeitung vom 1. August 1940

At the start of the 1980s brides all over the country copied the lace and silk taffeta wedding dress worn by Princess Diana at her wedding to Prince Charles.

Der bei uns als Inspektor Barnaby bekannte Schauspieler John Nettles wurde in den 80er Jahren als Detektiv Jim Bergerac berühmt - eine Serie die weil sie in jersey spielte die Insel zu Bergerac's Island machte.

zweiter mir unklar gebliebener Teil der Ausstellung

Wie in einem Herrenhaus oder Castle werden Räume mit unterschidlichen Einrichtungen und Ausstattungen gezeigt. An vielen Dingen hängen Schilder mit der Aufschrift 'Lot xyz'.

Anne Nicolle's Bedroom
Anne Charlotte Nicolle is a 52 year old spinster and has always lived in this house with her sister Jeanne who is a year older. While her bedroom is furnished fairly simply it contains many memories, family photographs and mementoes. The overall colour is red to reflect her family's association with fee Rose party. The bed is the main piece of furniture, known locally as an "Albert", the curtains provide privacy and warmth. The house has no plumbing so water for washing has to be carried upstairs by the servant who also has to clean out, carry fuel and light the fire every day to heat loom. Gas lighting was installed in the 1830s but oil and candles are also used

Sydney Nicolle's Bedroom
Sydney James Nicolle is 27 years old. He is the eldest son of the late Jean Nicolle and Edith Noble. Following Jean's death, Edith remarried and moved to England with her two youngest children, Montague and Edith while Sydney has remained in Jersey with his aunts, he has lived in this house for over 10 years and works for his uncle Winter. He has been in the Jersey Militia Artillery since 1853 when he was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant in the 4th Regt (St Lawrence Battalion) Artillery. In June 1861 he was commissioned as a Captain the 2nd North Regiment. His room is simply decorated and contains various hits and pieces relating to his militia activities. Sydney tends to write in English and he reads the English language papers although he is fluent if french as well.

© Herbert S., 2017
Du bist hier : Startseite Europa Großbritannien Jersey-Museum
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
"Ein Stück Frankreich, das ins Meer gefallen ist und von England aufgesammelt wurde" so hat Victor Hugo die Inseln im Kanal zwischen den beiden Ländern bezeichnet, als er dort im 19.Jh. im Exil wohnte. Die ortansässigen Verkehrsbetriebe priesen mit diesen Worten eine Reise auf die vom Golfstrom 'verwöhnten' Inseln an. Da es schon lange angeplant war, haben wir - obwohl organisiert - zugeschlagen.
Aufbruch: 26.08.2017
Dauer: 8 Tage
Heimkehr: 02.09.2017
Reiseziele: Großbritannien
Der Autor
Herbert S. berichtet seit 18 Jahren auf umdiewelt.
Reiseberichte von Herbert sind von der umdiewelt-Redaktion als besonders lesenswert ausgezeichnet worden!
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