Jugendstilbiennale in Brüssel

Reisezeit: September / Oktober 2011  |  von Herbert S.

Stadthalle von Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

Rathaus von Woluwe-Saint-Lambert - av. Paul Hymans 2

Built between 1937 and 1939 to the design of architect Joseph Diongre, who also designed the famous Belgian Radio & Television Broadcasting Centre at Place Flagey in Ixelles, this austere building combines blue stone and Boom yellow bricks to create a Town Hall which remains a significant example of inter-war architecture by its layout and articulation of volumes. Laid out in the form of a letter  L , the right-hand wing is taller, while the left-hand wing has a 30m-high bell-tower located not far from the rounded curve that links the two wings. Inside, the large hall which opens onto the enquiry offices is lit by a brick-and-concrete dome whose design is mirrored on the floor by a compass rose.

Residenz Insula - square Vergote 1

This sober, but finely-detailed, block of apartments was built in 1939 to the designs of the architect Georges France. Its interior layout reveals how an inter-war apartment building worked, with a clear division between spaces used by the owners and their families and those used by servants and tradesmen. The interior visit includes a visit to the top-floor apartment occupied by the architect. While its original furniture has been lost, it has retained its original layout, including the terrace where the architect did his gymnastic exercises and which enjoys a stunning view of the Square Vergote.

© Herbert S., 2011
Du bist hier : Startseite Europa Belgien Stadthalle von Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Zum 150. Geburtstag von Victor Horta veranstaltet die Hauptstadt Brüssel im September und Oktober zahlreiche Events, die die Möglichkeit bieten, auch Gebäude zu besuchen, die sonst der Öffentlichkeit nicht zugänglich sind.
Aufbruch: 10.09.2011
Dauer: 7 Wochen
Heimkehr: 30.10.2011
Reiseziele: Belgien
Der Autor
Herbert S. berichtet seit 18 Jahren auf umdiewelt.
Reiseberichte von Herbert sind von der umdiewelt-Redaktion als besonders lesenswert ausgezeichnet worden!
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