Heilige Kuh! 7 Wochen Indien

Reisezeit: September - November 2006  |  von Anne Obert

Nordinien: Clever Lady

Hier mal eine lustige Mail zum Thema wie die Inder so sind (bei diesem habe ich mich fuer den Preis eines Mietwagens erkundigt):

clever lady
how are you? you are very
intelligent you loose my time. we are not rich
person.but we are going honestly with everyone.i was
waiting for your call on the mobile and on mail also i
was waiting.i loose my other clints also because of
you.if you are looking my e mail then you will think
that i am very intelligent lady.
but my thinking in german you are very fool lady
and selfish also.you are not sattisfied with my price
and tour.you can write very easily that sorry sushil
we are sick we will not done this tour or many other
excuse you have to give but you had not made any
i am not able to understand that what you get in
making me fool .you will not loose your tongue and
fingers if you told me about your answer that sorry
sushil i am not going with you now.
but very sorry i like your style.if you have
some nice quality can i meet you? because i want to
meet you and want to know that why you had not gave
me answer and i want to meet you because i want to see
you and your specialty.
i have many german clints but you are the one
who i found selfish .so,i think you are very special.
if i met you i will sattisfied myself.
this is my last mail.
best regaurds

© Anne Obert, 2006
Du bist hier : Startseite Asien Indien Clever Lady
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Von Norden nach Süden, mit Zug, Bus, Auto, Rikscha, Kamel, Pferd ... Zu zweit und allein, krank und gesund, alles einmal dabei. Ein indisches Abenteuer.
Aufbruch: 21.09.2006
Dauer: 7 Wochen
Heimkehr: 08.11.2006
Reiseziele: Indien
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Der Autor
Anne Obert berichtet seit 17 Jahren auf umdiewelt.