2 in Neuseeland

Reisezeit: Dezember 2009 - Januar 2010  |  von Caro D.

24./25.12.2009 Rotorua und Lake Taupo

Am 24.12. sind wir vom Hot Water Beach aus ueber Rotorua zum Lake Taupo gefahren. In Roturua haben wir uns Te Puia angesehen. Dort gab es viele heisse Blubberquellen, Schlammpools, Geysire und einen tollen Einblick in die Maori-Kultur (traditionelle Taenze und eine Ausstellung).
Und am 24.12. hat Caro, das crazy chicken, ausserdem ihren Skydive gemacht, einen Tandem-Fallschirmsprung aus 15.000 ft - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.
Um Mitternacht haben wir dann die Christmas-Mess in einer anglikanischen Kirche in Taupo besucht - Christmasday ist hier am 25.12., den wir komplett in Bikini und Shorts "vergammelt" haben - super! Unser Christmas-Dinner bestand aus Salat und Huhn, lecker angebraten mit Zwiebeln und Zucchini. Getrunken haben wir Gingerbeer (natuerlich alkoholfrei

Hot springs were the old Maori used to cook.

Hot springs were the old Maori used to cook.

Mudpools everywhere.

Mudpools everywhere.

That was our Maori guide on that little tour through the "Te Puia" Park.

That was our Maori guide on that little tour through the "Te Puia" Park.

The geysiers are always very impressive. Once this one sped water over 350 days. Now it's several times a day.

The geysiers are always very impressive. Once this one sped water over 350 days. Now it's several times a day.

That was the skydive company... Whaaaaaaa!!!!

That was the skydive company... Whaaaaaaa!!!!

Just a few minutes before...

Just a few minutes before...

I did it!!!!
I really did it. And I just can't believe that it's me on the pictures!!! It was such an amazing feeling when you see the ground so far away. And there is only your buddy and you....
On my arms is written "Crazy Chicken" and "Merry Christmas"

I did it!!!!
I really did it. And I just can't believe that it's me on the pictures!!! It was such an amazing feeling when you see the ground so far away. And there is only your buddy and you....
On my arms is written "Crazy Chicken" and "Merry Christmas"

That's Lake Taupo and Taupo city from about 5 km height.

That's Lake Taupo and Taupo city from about 5 km height.

We both (Daniela and me) hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! 
Our next step is the Tongariro Nationalpark. Tomorrow morning will a shuttle start at 5:45 am for the Tongariro crossing which will take us about 8 hours walk...

We both (Daniela and me) hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Our next step is the Tongariro Nationalpark. Tomorrow morning will a shuttle start at 5:45 am for the Tongariro crossing which will take us about 8 hours walk...

Afterwards I was a very happy crazy chicken!!! A few minutes before I jumped like the one behind me

Afterwards I was a very happy crazy chicken!!! A few minutes before I jumped like the one behind me

It was a great flight with that small plane. Feeling the rush...

It was a great flight with that small plane. Feeling the rush...

© Caro D., 2009
Du bist hier : Startseite Australien & Ozeanien Neuseeland 24./25.12.2009 Rotorua und Lake Taupo
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Wir hatten uns gedacht, hier ein paar Zeilen zu unserem Urlaub in Neuseeland für die daheim gebliebenen zu hinterlassen ;-)
Aufbruch: 16.12.2009
Dauer: 4 Wochen
Heimkehr: 15.01.2010
Reiseziele: Neuseeland
Der Autor
Caro D. berichtet seit 14 Jahren auf umdiewelt.
Bild des Autors