Champagne Ardenne

Reisezeit: Juni / Juli 2018  |  von Herbert S.

Rundfahrt zu den Fachwerkkirchen : Outines

Eglise St Nicolas

Eglise St Nicolas

Outines Church is the most monumental of all of the timber framed religious buildings in Champagne.
It's meticulous building work goes back to the early 16th century:the oldest of its wood dates back to 1512. The church takes its inspiration from some of the region's large covered markets.
Outside, observe the shingle covered facade which was intended to protect the building from foul weather. The curious rose window is also of interest.
Step in and discover the thick pillars and huge beams, which give the impression of a veritable forest. The church contains a fine statue of St Gond from the 16th century and a 14th century Christ on the cross.
After a visit to the church, you can head out into the village to enjoy a stroll through the streets with their beautiful half timbered houses.

© Herbert S., 2018
Du bist hier : Startseite Europa Frankreich Outines
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
In Fortsetzung unserer Besichtigungen kleiner Kirchen in Frankreich steht nach den Wehrkirchen nun eine Route an, die uns zu zahlreichen Fachwerkkirchen im Département Champagne Ardenne führen soll.
Aufbruch: 27.06.2018
Dauer: 5 Tage
Heimkehr: 01.07.2018
Reiseziele: Frankreich
Der Autor
Herbert S. berichtet seit 18 Jahren auf umdiewelt.
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