Die arabische Welt für Einsteiger

Reisezeit: April - Dezember 2006  |  von Kerstin Franz

Ramadan Kareem: Ramadan from A to Z

Das Time Out-Magazin in Abu Dhabi kommt einmal im Monat raus und beinhaltet neben verschiedenen Artikeln zu Ereignissen in der Region auch Restauranttipps und einen Monatsplan von allen Veranstaltungen. Es ist sehr für all die zu empfehlen, die in Abu Dhabi mal weggehen, irgendeinen Kurs belegen oder eine Happy Hour wollen.

Pünktlich zu Ramadan wurde in dem Heft für Oktober 2006 ein <<A - Z of Ramadan>> veröffentlicht. Und da ich das sehr informativ finde, möchte ich euch das natürlich nicht vorenthalten!

A is for Arabic

The official national language as well as the official business language (although English is widely used). Arabic isn't an easy language to pick up - trust us, it's a patience testing progress.
However, sprinkle a smattering of Arabic words into your conversation during Ramadan and they will be warmly received.

B is for bread

Known generally as khobz. Bread comes in a wopping 40 varieties and is eaten at every Iftar meal. Hurs is a particulary popular addition. Made up of thin layers, it can be served with a number of garnishes - both sweet and savoury. Traditionally this staple is used in place of knives and forks to scoop up dips.

C is for coffee

But we are not talking about the type served up at Starbucks, we're referring to traditional Arabic coffee (khawa). It's consumed in copious quantities and usually served strong without milk. To sweeten, serve with dates or sprinkle with sugar. If at Iftar, you're offered Arabic coffee, it is considered polite to drink about three cups (usually about the size of an egg cup). To refuse a cup is to risk offending your host.

D is for dates

Traditionally associated with the breaking of the fast. Starved stomachs need to be lined before the real feasting commences, so it is customary to ease yourself into the meal with a date. According to legend, these were the humble offerings that the Prophet ate for his own Iftar. In ancient times, the date palm was named omm al-faqir meaning "mother of the poor" because of its nutritional qualities, which couds sustain the poor.

E is for Eid al-Fidr

The three-day holiday celebrating every Muslim's achievements which occurs at the end of Ramadan. For Muslims, Eid has similar connotations as Christmas has for Christians or Diwali for Hindus. Eid takes place on a different date each year as it is based on the Islamic calendar and relies on the sighting of the moon.

F is for fasting

During the month of Ramadan, Muslims must not eat, drink or have intimate relations between dawn and sunset. Abstaining brings rewards although the good can be negated by five things: telling a lie, slander, denouncing someone behind their back, taking a false oath or greed. Fasting is designed to create empathy for the poor but more importantly teach patience and self-control while bringing people closer to Allah.

G is for Garangao

Garangao, celebrated on the 14th day of Ramadan, is special to the Gulf region and is believed to have its roots in the pearl diving tradition of the region. On this evening, children clad in traditional clothes, knock on every door in their neighbourhood, which will be ready to receive them with sweets and nuts. They collect the goodies in special cotton bags which hang loosely from their necks.

H is for hookah pipes

Also known as shisha- a popular and relaxing pastime in the Middle East. Hookah pipes can be smoked with a variety of flavours. Smoking shisha is nothing like smoking a cigarette. Te smoke is softened by water which creates a much more soothing effect. If you've never smoked shisha, Ramadan is an ideal time in which to indulge as most hotels put up shisha tents.

I is for Iftar

The evening feast that breaks the daily fast. All over Abu Dhabi, Iftar tents are erected and filled with people enjoying traditional, tasty Arabic mezze [ so eine Art Vorspeisen, wie z.B. Hummus] and sweets. Umm Ali [übersetzt: Die Mutter von Ali] - a sweet, soggy milk based pud resplendent with pistachios and plump moist raisins - is a favourite Arabic desert [ich liebe es! ]. Others to try include baklava - fabulous, flaky filo pastry drenched in honey and nuts [mag ich ebenfalls sehr gern ].

J is for Jinn

A type of spirit made of fire which sits between angels and humans among rational creatures. These spirits have free will, can take on the shape of animals and while they can be good, are more often than roguish. Happily during Ramadan, bad jinn are unable to bother humans: a blessing from Allah to make up for the difficulty of fasting.

K is for Kaffarah

The penalty that is prescribed if a Muslim breaks their fast. During the time of the Prophet Muhammed, this could mean they had to set a slave free. These days a perpetrator might have to fast for an additional 60 days or give a meal to 60 poor people. Certain people such as children, soldiers, the sick, elderly and anyone who would be putting their health at serious risk - are exempt. In addition there are some circumstances where people normally able to fast are unable to - think expectant mothers and travellers. So don't be overly alarmed if you see people eating before Iftar at the airport.

L is for Lailat al-Qadr

Otherwise known as the Night of Powers, which marks the night in which the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammed by Allah. Muslims regard this as the most important event in history and some will spend the whole night in prayer or in reciting the Quran. Lailat al-Qadr is a good time to ask for forgiveness. The Prophet Muhammed did not mention when the Night of Power would be, although it was suggested it was in the last 10 days of the month. Because of this, many Muslims will treat the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan as a particularly good time for prayer.

M is for Mecca

Every Muslim is expected - at least once in his or her life - to make the pilgrimage (Hajj &#61664; sprich: Hadsch) to the holy city of Mecca. The end of the annual period of pilgrimage to Mecca is marked by a four-day Islamic holiday called Eid al-Adha.

N is for the ninth month

The time when Ramadan starts. Each new month begins when the new moon (the hila) is sighted and lasts for 29 days meaning a year lasts for 254 days. This is why the date of Ramadan moves by around 11 days in respect to the Gregorian calendar every year.

O is for opening hours

During Ramadan, opening times of restaurants change considerably. As a general rule of thumb, business hours tend to be shorter during the holy month. While some clubs remain open, dance floors are most definitely shut and foot tapping is off the menu.

P is for prayer

Muslims are required to pray five times a day but this is particularly important during Ramadan. The five prayers consist of Fajr at dawn, Juma in the middle of the day, Asrat at midafternoon, Maghrib at sunset and Isha at nightfall. The times vary according to the position of the sun. Most people pray at a mosque although it's not unusual to see people kneeling by the side of the road if they aren't near a mosque. It's considered impolite to stare at people praying or walk over prayer mats. The modern day call to prayer - transmitted through loudspeakers on the minarets of each mosque - ensures that everyone knows it's time to pray.

Q is for Quran

The holy book of Islam. The Quran is considered pure perfection not just as a religious work, but also as a piece of literature. Employing poetic language - think extended metaphors, rising rhythmic cadences and an unmatched elegance and turn of phrase, the Quran is held as a work of art and beauty. The text is often read aloud at Ramadan - moving many Muslims to a state of both spiritual and emotional elation.

R is for resolution

Many Muslims use Ramadan to make resolutions, similar to New Year's resolutions. It is a time when they decide how they want to live their life for the next year and try their very best to adhere to their new commitments. Some have a desire to pray more and learn more about Islam. Others wish to be nicer to people while a few want to learn Quranic Arabic to better their understanding of the Holy Book.

S is for sahour

A light meal eaten before the sun rises. For some, it is simply a continuation of the feast of the night before; for others a chance to grab a bite to eat before a long working day without food or water. In fact, many outdoor workers in the UAE have asked for the midday break rule to be applied during the fast fearing that without food and water they will suffer from heat stroke and exhaustion.

T is for tamerhindi

A root based drink meaning Indian Date. It s made from the fruit pods of a tall shade tree native to Asia and has a distinctive sweet taste. It's a refreshing that forms a vitally important part of the Iftar feast, given the soaring temperatures in Abu Dhabi. Other tipples to try include Laban, a refreshing drink of yoghurt, water and salt and delicious freshly squeezed fruit juices.

U is for uniform

On the whole Nationals wear traditional dress, which for men is the dishdashor khandura - a white full-length shirtdress which is worn with a white or red checked headdress known as gutra. This is secured with a black cors (agal). Women wear the black abaya - a long loose robe that covers their normal clothes - plus a headscarf called the sheyla. Don't don the local gear during Ramadan - some Arabs may think that you're mocking them. But do dress more modestly than usual avoiding anything that's overly revealing.

V is for the veil

Or hijab. In Muhammed's time, hijab referred to a tent-divider or curtain, behind which women might sit. In the 1970's, the term was popularly revived to refer to Islamic dress. For women, this generally means covering the body in addition to wearing a head covering. In the Middle East today, hijab often refers to the white headscarf increasingly popular with women in less tradition countries as a sign of Islamic commitment.

W is for weight gain

Surprisingly, rather than losing weight during Ramadan, many Muslims actually pile on the pounds. Despite abstaining from food and drink during the day, when the sun goes Ramadan becomes a much more festive occasion. Friends and families come together for lavish multicourse meals, full of fried foods and rich desserts. The message? While Ramadan is about focusing on faith and family, it doesn't hurt to keep an eye on the diet as well

Z is for zero tolerance

It doesn't matter if you aren't a Muslim. You have chosen to visit/live in an Islamic country during the holy month and are expected to observe the fast - at least in public. While Abu Dhabi is nowhere near as strict as some other Arab cities (in Saudi Arabia for instance, you can go to jail for smoking a cigarette), you don't want to cause offence. The more respect you show, the warmer your welcome will be.

© Kerstin Franz, 2007
Du bist hier : Startseite Asien Vereinigte Arabische Emirate Ramadan from A to Z
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Im Februar fiel die Entscheidung: ich werde mein Praxissemester von Mai bis Ende Oktober in einem Büro in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, genauer gesagt in deren Hauptstadt Abu Dhabi absolvieren. Diese Entscheidung zu treffen hat sich Tage hingezogen und die Nerven von so einigen arg strapaziert ;-) Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle für eure Unterstützung und Hilfe! :-) Und weil es mir da so gut gefällt, bleibe ich noch etwas länger :-)
Aufbruch: 27.04.2006
Dauer: 8 Monate
Heimkehr: 14.12.2006
Reiseziele: Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Al Ain
Der Autor
Kerstin Franz berichtet seit 18 Jahren auf umdiewelt.