Ein Jahr weg

Reisezeit: September 2007 - Juni 2008  |  von Andreas G

Cairns (17.12.07 - 22.12.07): Skydiving (2)

Wollte euch nur ein zweite Meinung zum Thema Skydiving zeigen, fuer Alle die, die es vielleicht selbst mal ausprobieren wollen. Der Text ist ein Email von Tess an ihren Bruder. Am besten gefaellt mir der Teil in dem sie die Angst in meinen Augen vor dem Absprung beschreibt (durfte naemlich als erster springen)

Guess what?? I went skydiving today!!!! It was SO INCREDIBLY FUN AND UNBELIEVABLE!!

We jumped from 14,000 ft! 60 seconds of pure freefall in which time you fall 10,000 feet. Then you go down the next 4,000 with the parachute up, swooping around looking at the scenery, which would probably be an incredible and adrenaline- charged activity on it's own, but after the free-fall it feels like nothing. Can you believe it? I fell 10,000 feet today! You only feel like you're falling for the first few seconds and then you feel more like you're flying, with the world far, far below, the wind rushing at your face (I could feel my nose flapping) and you can't wipe the incredulous smile off your face.

And even before you jump there is nothing like going up in a teeny tiny plane- it only barely fit the pilot, me, Andi and the two instructors- watching the ground get farther and farther away and knowing that you are about to jump out. You keep thinking what an incredibly ridiculous idea it is and that's what makes it so fun. Goes against many strong and wise natural instincts. What was really funny was that after about 5-10 minutes in the plane we already looked like we were pretty far up there and I asked my instructor if we were really going to jump from this high and he said "we still have 10,000 feet to go." It was so perfect that he said that- really one of those moments when you give a huge gulp and try to take a deep breath. And there is nothing like the feeling you get when they open the door to the plane and you know you are about to go out. It's so loud with the air rushing by the plane and you're trying to hear what the dude strapped to your back is saying so you don't die. Andi went first and I saw the look of fear in his eyes as he scooted to the door. Then a millisecond later he dissapeared out the open door and it was my turn. The instructor is behind you, so you go out first, kneeling at the door, then you put both of your feet on the the foot of the plane (don't know what else to call it- the thing with the wheel at the end of it) and then he counts to three and you fall.

And of course the scenery- amazing. We all know what the world looks like from up high, having been in many airplanes, but it is infinitely more impressive when you are falling through the air looking down at it. We're in Cairns right now- so we saw mountains covered in rainforest and the blue green ocean where you can see some of the barrier reef. There were waterways going all around and between the mountains and islands in the distance. You can also see some of the city and the teeny tiny houses.

There is just no other way you can have that experience. For the next two hours after I couldn't stop saying "god that was fun!" evey 5 minutes. Now I only say it every half hour (oder oefter!!!). I am addicted and if it wasn't $300 a pop I would have jumped 4 more times today.

Oh yeah, the part of the story that I forgot to mention is that the they spend no more than 5 minutes giving you instruction before you get on the fucking plane!! Literally. All you get is 'Hi my name is so and so' (they were really nice but I forget their names already), 'when you fall out put your body in this position, when we land do this'. Then 3 minutes to strap you in your gear and they wisk you into the the van that takes to the plane. The van pulls right up to the plane, they give you a 2 minute tutorial on how to exit the plane when you fall and then you're off! No time to mentally prepare. But it's better that way because I don't think you can mentally prepare.

© Andreas G, 2007
Du bist hier : Startseite Australien & Ozeanien Australien Skydiving (2)
Die Reise
Worum geht's?:
Aussie Aussie Aussie
Aufbruch: 03.09.2007
Dauer: 9 Monate
Heimkehr: 15.06.2008
Reiseziele: Australien
Der Autor
Andreas G berichtet seit 19 Jahren auf umdiewelt.